Materials & Features
Stainless steel 90o wraparound WC grab rail with backrest meets the requirements of AS1428.1-2009 and can withstand an applied force of 1100N in any direction when installed correctly. Backrest is site adjustable upon installation to ensure accurate location. The snap flange cover conceals the fixings. Designed for installations with exposed cisterns.
Technical Detail
Rail: 32mm [Dia], 304 Satin Stainless Steel
Backrest: White polyurethane, 40mm thick
Fixings: By others
SWL: 1100N
- Left hand when seated.
- AS1428.1-2009 [Amdt 1, 2010] compliant when installed correctly.
- Satin Finished Stainless Steel
- 32mm Dia, 60mm clearance, concealed fixings
Available Model
RBA4150-230 90o Wraparound Grab Rail with Integrated Backrest, Left Hand
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Warning: Grab rails are no stronger than the anchors or walls to which they are attached and must be firmly secured in order to support the loads for which they are intended. Refer local codes and Installation Instructions for location of fixing points, method of attachment, etc.
Important: Installation instructions and current rough-in details should be furnished with each fixture. Do not rough in without certified dimensions. Dimensions are subject to manufacturer’s tolerance of +/-10mm.